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This is the Blog (In Case You Were Lost)

Instead of using the blog page to give you boring updates on our lives, we're going to do something fun! As you should know by now, Make-a-plier is a website for fanart. So we'll be using this blog to issue artist and fan challenges. If you're an artist stuck in a rut, it could give you a place to start or at least something to do in the meantime.

We're hoping to be able to interview some memorable artists and members of the community, as well. If we manage to connect with someone, those interviews will be posted on the blog.

Have an idea for a challenge or someone you'd like us to interview? Let us know by sending us an e-mail! Simply go to "Contact Us" and fill out the form on the right side of the page. Hope to hear from you!

(While you're waiting for the next challenge or artist update, why not check out our forum? It's so easy, and it's a great way to connect with other fans! Just click "Forum" in the navigation bar. Registration is free, so you have no excuse not to hang out with us! *wink*)

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